Thursday, February 2, 2012

Recap of 28/12/12 Adventure

Day before the Banquet

As told by my Maryam [Syl]

Players Present: Jeremie, Maryam [Syl], Memo [Dee], Richard [Mazmon], Stevan [Born], and Noah [Ard]

[5th day of the 10th moon of the year, Year unknown]

It is an afternoon painfully equal to any other afternoon in the tiny village of Au-der-Amn-Ger, everyone is working hard just to make it one day to the next. Most of the villagers are growing and gathering food, or somewhere consolidating the great wooden wall safeguarding the village’s so scarce and yet so precious resources. Indeed, these are times of hunger and despair, the Empire of Rem-Ath is slowly dying off and Au-de-Amn-Ger is no exception.

Suddenly the sound of vigorous horses pounding on the poorly kept main road resounds in the village and all eyes turn to the gates. Ten horsemen a escorting some sort of dignitary stop at the gate demanding entrance.

“I am Rar-Tur-Aug-Ar”, he states arrogantly, “I demand that you let me and my men in immediately”.

Del-Val-El, the mayor, is terrified but bracing himself he asks:

“What brings you to our village sir?”

“Sir?” the man exclaims, “I should have you beheaded, address me with the respect you owe me, I am your god king, descendant of Tur-Aug the God Emperor. You will let us in and provide us with Shelter and food. If I am not satisfied I’ll make sure this place is in flame when I leave!”

Balancing the threat of a royal arsonist versus famine, the mayor thinks fast and orders the wooden gate to be open. Although it is the first time he has heard of Rar-Tur-Aug-Ar, the village is quite isolated and the high politics of the broken empire remain to him a complete mist.

As soon as the ‘King’ enters flamboyantly perched on his well-fed white horse, he asks:

“How dare you make your god kind wait? Are you a traitor to the crown? What is your name old man?”

“I am Del-Val-El and I mean you no disrespect Rar-Tur-Aug-Ar, my whole family and my ancestor Val-El have nothing but respect and devotion for the God King.”

“Val-El!”, Rar interrupts, “How dare you invoke his name as an Ancestor, this is the vile name of a traitor! You have offended me greatly, but I will give you a chance to redeem yourself, make sure to prepare us a satisfying banquet and show us to your nicest Inn!”

Publicly ashamed and shaken in his authority Del-Val-El tries to recompose himself. He shows the king and his men to the only and quite modest Inn of the village. He returns to a group of villagers eager for his guidance. An emergency search for food is launched.

The villagers are distributed in groups: Ard, Dew, Syl, Maz, and Born end up together, and due to his hunting experience Ard is chosen as the leader. Together they head for the woods. Combining their knowledge they manage to collect a bunch of bush berries that would be succulent with some meat, and while looking for a boar’s trail they realize they are in fact being pursued by a pack of wolves. A bloody battle ensues. In the middle of the fight a strange character emerges from the cover of a tree – he is an Elf, obviously no stranger to battle, and he helps our group of villagers finish off the last wolves. The villagers themselves seem to have found new strength in the face of grave danger; they are bringing

home some wolf meat, a rare delicacy as well as an impressive hunting trophy. Tired after this long fight they struggle to return to the village, having to make their way through a tricky landslide, and it is only at the last minute that they make it to the Inn’s kitchen to contribute their booty!

Elements that were different from how remembered it: Rar and some of his men were staying at the mayor's house (I'll also change the Mayor's name to match this). I'm pretty sure they could tell that there would only be one Inn, since there are only about a dozen buildings still standing in town. However, since their horses would be tied up at the Inn, and it's likely there won't be enough room in the Mayor's house for all of them, it makes some sense that they would end up at the Inn.

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